Monday, August 20, 2007


This 112th Kendriya Kayra Samithi of BMS held on 16-17-18 August, 2007 at Nagpur expressed its deep regret for not effecting suitable amendment in Payment of Bonus Act 1965 enabling workers to get their Bonus, in spite of the written assurances by Dr. Manmohan Singh, Hon'ble Prime Minister, in the meeting with the Central Trade Unions held at his residence on 19 th August 2006.
It is to be noted that 41st Indian Labour Conference (ILC), the highest Tripartite Forum of our country held on 27-28 April, 2007 also unanimously passed the resolution in favour of the Amendment of the said Bonus Act but then also the Government could not get it amended from the Parliament till date.
After detailed discussion the house felt that, such delay is nothing but a delaying tactics of the Government with a view to deprive workers from getting their Bonus.
Although BMS is of the firm opinion that Bonus is a deferred wage and should be paid to all wage/salary earners, irrespective of any ceilings. We accepted up gradation in the ceilings in the ILC for the time being for the sake of unanimity.
Therefore, the Kendriya Karyasamithi warned the Union Government that, if the ceiling of the Bonus Act is not upgraded to Rs.3500/- at lower level and Rs.10000/- at upper level in the ensuing Monsoon Session of the Parliament, enabling workers to get their legitimate BONUS before October, 2007 (i.e. before Durga Pooja of the year) BMS will launch a strong Agitation throughout the country and for which Government would be fully responsible.

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